Sunday, November 28, 2010

Under 300 Calorie Breakfast that's QUICK and HEALTHY

Spinach & Bacon Omelet

Spinach & Bacon Omelet

1 egg
2 egg whites
2 slices cooked turkey bacon, crumbled
1 cup baby spinach
1 slice whole-grain toast
1 teaspoon butter
cooking spray

Whisk together eggs, bacon and spinach. Coat a skillet with cooking spray; cook egg mixture and serve with toast and butter. Serves 1.

Here's the deal on BREAKFAST...

If you're not a breakfast eater....change it.  Especially if you want to lose weight and have energy for the day. 

Here's the deal on LOSING WEIGHT...

If you want to lose weight and NOT GAIN WEIGHT, it's how you eat.  Calories DO MATTER.  Counting calories IS IMPORTANT....I don't care what any goofball says...  IF YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT, KNOW THAT YOU'RE CALORIES ARE AT A DEFICIT TO WHAT YOU BURN. 

Energy in, energy out....
That's why I thought I'd give you an idea of a very balanced, real food breakfast for under 300 calories.  Furthermore, there's lots of studies out there that are valid that shows if you don't eat enough for breakfast you'll be more inclined to binge during the day or in the evening.  (hey, I fight this daily, I know binging)

If you want to eat processed foods and manmade everything instead of using fresh real foods, as long as
you stay within your calorie range, most likely you'll still lose weight.  Will you be eating nutritionally dense food and healing your body? No.  Furthermore, you can really damage your digestive system as well over time.  Why go there.

The holidays are here, that's for sure.  This is the time you want to enjoy and NOT get any FATTER, HEAVIER, or the like.  Watch your food intake, count your calories, and journal them.  Food journals whether recorded on your phone, computer, or handwritten will make you call attention to your actions.  Honestly, it's much easier to lose weight when you journal.

If you're not sure how many calories you should be consuming, get tested.  A RESTING METABOLIC RATE TEST is a specialized test that is simple.  However, you must find a professional who has the equipment and the experience to administer the test.  It is generally a breathing testing that takes between 10-20 min. 

You will then have the numbers needed to manage your intake, weight loss, or even weight gain if that's your need. 

If you live in the Las Vegas or St. George, UT area, you may schedule your RMR with me by emailing me at  Not only will you receive your test results, I will also do an individualized Nutritional Plan for you detailing how you should "fuel" to meet your needs and REACH YOUR GOALS!

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