Monday, November 8, 2010

Michael Jordan, a Calendar Girl, and One of MY SECRETS...

"I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot... and missed. And I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."

---Michael Jordan, Former NBA Superstar                                                       
When I read this, I felt like it was a wake up call by saying, "hey, it may not go exactly how you planned but it is going the way its suppose don't lose sight of your goals!"

Ladies, don't lose sight of your goals either.  If today wasn't perfect, you had a feel sorry for yourself food binge, or made every justification as to why you didn't exercise..OK, you can't undo your past BUT you can move on. 

Start by creating a plan for tomorrow, for the week, and then for the month.  I use a wall calendar.  I write exercise type (run/walk, bike, weights, DVD), each day on the calendar.  I mix it up with cardio and resistance styles so I don't get bored.  (I'm the queen of creative workouts:) As I complete the day, I check it off, on the calendar.  That way I can see the task and get the pleasure of "seeing" the task marked off! 

Food...I'm an emotional eater, just like you...
The only way is to be organized and again, visual.  i find that I crave and binge the most when I don't get enough water to drink.  Yep, that's right.  Our bodies are so amazing that they will do anything to get us to drink water....even eat more food! 

So here's one of my secrets.  I keep a 20 oz. plastic glass on the counter and lemons cut in the fridge, and straws ready.  That's my little fun for getting enough water in throughout the day.  It's easy and effective! 

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