Sunday, January 2, 2011

Instead of the 2011 Resolution - Set S.M.A.R.T. GOALS

When you want to make your dream or wish into reality, setting a goal to achieve it is the next step.

Fitness and weight loss goals are much easier accomplished when you can visibly see your wants and dreams.  Thats when writing your goals down use the S.M.A.R.T. formula to give you a clear picture of your direction.

What's S.M.A.R.T.?
S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that describes the various attributes a goal should have to ensure maximum success.
S – specific, significant, stretching
M – measurable, meaningful, motivational
A – attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented
R – realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented
T – time-based, timely, tangible, trackable

How Can I Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals For Fitness And Weight Loss?

Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle or just be fit, setting S.M.A.R.T. goals will give you an edge by keeping you focused and motivated through the journey. 

Set goals with clarity. You can't be general about it. If you say your goal is to lose weight and then you lose 10lbs., then that's what you write and establish as comparing to "I want to lose weight". 
Be clear, precise, and specific.

Set goals that can be quantified in measurable units such as pounds, body fat percent, lean body mass, inches and clothing sizes. Performance goals can include strength and rep's  completed. Other health goals can also include blood pressure and blood panels (HDL/LDL).

Creating reasonable and attainable goals for yourself will keep you motivated each step of the way.  I'm not saying don't challenge yourself, but give yourself some smaller goals or baby steps towards the big one.  You'll be inspired by each succession you make.  If you're wanting to lose 30 lbs., make your smaller goals weekly such as 1-2 lbs. to shoot for.  This will boost your motivation for the next step!
This is a little different from setting attainable goals.If you lose two pounds of fat per week, you are doing awesome. 30 pounds in 30 days sounds great in the advertisements, but it's NOT typical! Rapid weight loss is likely to consist of muscle and water, not fat, and is nearly impossible to maintain.

Set goals with deadlines! Time limits are highly motivating. Without time limits, there's no urgency  Set goals for your daily workouts, such as appointments.  Make yourself your own client!  Set that business appointment for your morning run or lunchtime circuit.  Do it.  YOU ARE the most important client you have!  Set long term goals as well for 12 week, one year, and even five year timelines. Just make sure they're realistic.

JournalWeb   Another time worthy note is review.  Take a moment and don't be afraid to review what happening with your progress.  That's weekly, monthly, semiannually - you got it...

Finally, attach your emotion to your success.  Whether it's a passion or even FEAR, use it.  Bring that emotion up and feel it daily as a fuel or catalyst to keep your drive! 

Just foot in front of the'll be there before you know it!

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