Thursday, January 13, 2011

“"It's NOT YOU.....It's Your METABOLISM"

Are you sick of PLAYING with your latest January Diet???
Do you feel like “nothing’s changed” and you're HUNGRY? 
Are you constantly thinking about food?

Do you think just because you’re getting older there’s nothing you can do to lose that extra fat? 

Do you feel like your metabolism is slowing down to a crawl?
Are you the turtle but want to be the rabbit?

Despite what you may have heard, aging does not directly effect your metabolism. If your metabolism slows as you get older, it’s most likely the result of "less than ideal life habits". Most likely, your lifestyle is starting to catch up with you and it's only gonna get worse. In other words, your not fueling the muscle and burning the fat! But maybe the exact OPPOSITE!

However, the good news is that this process can be reversed! You can actually optimize your metabolic rate so that it begins burning more calories than ever before!
The fastest, easiest way to rev your metabolism up is to first, get moving. Start exercising and exercise with the intention of making change. Of course you don't want to have to spend your entire day at the gym to speed things up….don’t worry.

The best and most efficient approach is to get the numbers, the REAL NUMBERS. That is to find out what your current resting metabolic rate is, and then design an exercise and nutrition program that will use YOUR NUMBERS to accomplish improving your needs AND give you your desired RESULTS!

A PERSONALIZED PROGRAM for YOUR RESTING METABOLIC “BLUEPRINT” from me will begin with a consult before the test. This gives us time to really be clear and define what your needs and wants are. In other words, Your GOALS! Sometimes it’s difficult to know how to define your goals; that’s where consulting with a professional is really a great help!

The test itself takes approx. 10-20 minutes. There’s nothing complicated and strenuous, just sit back in a chair and breath normally into a tube connected to the Korr Analyzer. That’s it! The Korr Metabolic testing equipment is highly specialized and accurate. During your appointment we will also take measurements, have you complete a lifestyle questionnaire, and review your goals. A follow up appointment will be made for your follow up.

A Detailed Report will be created for you and I will review the report with you to insure you understand the results and can have your questions answered!

Your report will include:

• Test Results, stats

• Body Composition Analysis

• Personalized Nutritional Program

• Exercise Recommendations for Metabolic Workouts

To sign up for your Consultation and Resting Metabolic Rate Test, simply email me at:


Committed to your fitness,

Patti Goewey, CSCS
Patti Goewey Fitness
Las Vegas, NV

PS: Even as you’re reading this, your metabolic rate could be declining by the day, you can find out what to do about that when you come in for your complimentary consultation.

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