Saturday, January 29, 2011

Transform Your Diet in 2011

Want to change how you eat?
You've got to do it one piece of food at a time..

Reducing your waist size doesn't take a miracle. It takes a lot of little steps. Wondering about the foods you should get rid of in order to transform your health and your weight through small dietary transformations? Keep reading.

Buttered Toast. It's relatively light tasting and seems innocent, but buttered toast could be adding unnecessary calories to your diet. Wave goodbye to the buttered side of life and welcome in a little honey, jam, or jelly on a piece of whole-wheat toast. It'll burst with flavor - not extra calories.

French Fries. Like most every other fried food, French fries are unhealthy by nature. If you've got a hankering for something potato-based, opt for mashed potatoes or a baked potato. To get that French fry flavor, squirt a little ketchup on your baked potato or mashed potatoes and enjoy.

Having trouble trading out all your favorite foods for healthier alternatives? Go for one at a time! It takes lots of little steps to make big progress with your health.

Fried Chicken. It may be finger-licking good, but the grease on your fingers makes it clear that fried chicken doesn't do the body good. Instead of frying your chicken, go for the grill or bake your chicken. Doing this will instantly cut down the amount of calories and fat you consume at dinnertime.

Fudge Sauce. Heated up and dripped on a brownie or a pile of ice cream, fudge sauce is the epitome of delectable dessert topping. Shave off some calories without losing that sought-after chocolate flavor by trading our your beloved fudge sauce for chocolate syrup.

Hamburgers or Cheeseburgers. Don't worry - you don't have to give up the magnificent flavor and savor of burgers. But you will need to change the kind of meat you use to make your burger. Instead of the traditional beef burger, go for a turkey burger or a veggie burger. The meat (or lack of meat) is leaner than beef and has just as much flavor!

Macaroni and Cheese. It tastes amazing, satisfied children of all ages and stages, and only takes a few minutes to make. Unfortunately, macaroni and cheese is not the healthiest option for you or your children. For an equally easy option, cook some pasta and add some light and healthy marinara sauce. You may never want macaroni and cheese again.

Potato Chips. One of the most commonly criticized snack foods, potato chips beg to be substituted with a healthy alternative. In comes popcorn. But not the buttery, fattening stuff you find in movie theaters. Instead, make it low-fat popcorn that is lightly salted. It tastes great and helps you avoid the long-term consequences of potato chips.

Traditional Desserts. For the most part, there is nothing wrong with a little cake or ice cream. However, the traditional view of dessert is that more is better. To ward off weight gain from taking this traditional view of dessert, swap out your extra large portion of chocolate cake for a cup of fresh fruit or half a serving of your favorite dessert. Either way, you'll get the sweet you crave without going overboard on calories.

White Bread. No matter what is between the two pieces of bread, a sandwich will never be its healthiest with white bread. An easy way to boost your health on a regular basis is to toss out the white bread and go with healthy, whole-wheat bread. You can also trade out your regular pasta for wheat pasta to get another boost to your good health.

Whole Milk. It may be hard for you to drink any milk except whole milk, but going with low-fat, reduced-fat, or fat-free milk will instantly reduce the amount of fat you consume each day. So if you drink milk or use it in recipes, do your health a favor by swapping out whole milk with a healthier alternative.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

“"It's NOT YOU.....It's Your METABOLISM"

Are you sick of PLAYING with your latest January Diet???
Do you feel like “nothing’s changed” and you're HUNGRY? 
Are you constantly thinking about food?

Do you think just because you’re getting older there’s nothing you can do to lose that extra fat? 

Do you feel like your metabolism is slowing down to a crawl?
Are you the turtle but want to be the rabbit?

Despite what you may have heard, aging does not directly effect your metabolism. If your metabolism slows as you get older, it’s most likely the result of "less than ideal life habits". Most likely, your lifestyle is starting to catch up with you and it's only gonna get worse. In other words, your not fueling the muscle and burning the fat! But maybe the exact OPPOSITE!

However, the good news is that this process can be reversed! You can actually optimize your metabolic rate so that it begins burning more calories than ever before!
The fastest, easiest way to rev your metabolism up is to first, get moving. Start exercising and exercise with the intention of making change. Of course you don't want to have to spend your entire day at the gym to speed things up….don’t worry.

The best and most efficient approach is to get the numbers, the REAL NUMBERS. That is to find out what your current resting metabolic rate is, and then design an exercise and nutrition program that will use YOUR NUMBERS to accomplish improving your needs AND give you your desired RESULTS!

A PERSONALIZED PROGRAM for YOUR RESTING METABOLIC “BLUEPRINT” from me will begin with a consult before the test. This gives us time to really be clear and define what your needs and wants are. In other words, Your GOALS! Sometimes it’s difficult to know how to define your goals; that’s where consulting with a professional is really a great help!

The test itself takes approx. 10-20 minutes. There’s nothing complicated and strenuous, just sit back in a chair and breath normally into a tube connected to the Korr Analyzer. That’s it! The Korr Metabolic testing equipment is highly specialized and accurate. During your appointment we will also take measurements, have you complete a lifestyle questionnaire, and review your goals. A follow up appointment will be made for your follow up.

A Detailed Report will be created for you and I will review the report with you to insure you understand the results and can have your questions answered!

Your report will include:

• Test Results, stats

• Body Composition Analysis

• Personalized Nutritional Program

• Exercise Recommendations for Metabolic Workouts

To sign up for your Consultation and Resting Metabolic Rate Test, simply email me at:


Committed to your fitness,

Patti Goewey, CSCS
Patti Goewey Fitness
Las Vegas, NV

PS: Even as you’re reading this, your metabolic rate could be declining by the day, you can find out what to do about that when you come in for your complimentary consultation.

Monday, January 3, 2011

My 27 Fitness and Fat Loss Tips for You!

I don't know if you made a New Year's Resolution or not, but either way you're probably thinking about how you can become more fit, healthier, happier than you are right now.
These 27 Fitness and Fat Loss Tips are pretty extensive. But hey, they work, and, if you use them will get you on the right track for RESULTS this YEAR!!

Here you go...Enjoy!

1. Visualize the accomplishment of your goals each and every day. Experience the taste of success and feel that sweet satisfaction.

2. Push the intensity of your workouts. Don't kill time, burn calories by maintaining a challenging intensity.

3. Use smaller plates at home. This effortlessly reduces calorie intake and promotes weight loss.

4. Build accountability into your workouts so that you resist the temptation to take days off. The best way to ensure accountability is to work with a personal trainer either one-on-one or in a group training setting.

5. Believe in yourself. Know with conviction that you CAN accomplish your goals.

6. Drink water throughout your day. Do this by carrying a water bottle and opting for water rather than calorie-filled beverages. This simple action is extremely beneficial.

7. Maintain your metabolism by eating a healthy snack or meal every three hours. This food should be unprocessed, low in fat and high in fiber, along with a clean protein.

8. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

9. Incorporate High Intensity Interval Training into your cardio workouts by performing bursts of high intensity rather than exercising at a single steady pace.

10. It's not about will-power, it's about want-power. You have to want it.

11. Do not eat processed foods. These items are high in empty calories and contain a plethora of chemicals that are harmful to your health.

12. Stop talking about losing weight. Start doing it.

13. Fat contains twice the caloric density of carbohydrates and protein, so limit the amount that you consume. Fill your diet with lean protein and carbohydrates from plants and whole grains.

14. Be wary of products that are labeled as ‘health food'. Always read the nutrition labels.

15. Find a workout partner who is in better shape than you, or better yet work with a personal trainer to guarantee dramatic results.

16. Make a habit out of reading nutrition labels. Avoid items that are high in fat and carbohydrates.

17. Destroy negative self talk. Start listening to positive, motivating, audiobooks that focus on health, fitness, wellbeing, and taking action!

18. Avoid the trap of high-calorie beverages after your workouts.

19. Be consistent with your workouts. Exercise three to four times each week.

20. Expect more of yourself.

21. High fructose corn syrup should not be in your diet. It’s high in calories and will quickly derail your weight loss efforts.

22. Challenge your body with each workout. Use different weights, do different exercises and break through plateaus.

23. Eat lots of whole plant foods. Vegetables, fruits and whole grains are filled with fiber and antioxidants, vital for your good health.

24. Do your cardiovascular exercise after weight training to ensure more fat burn. Your stored sugars will be depleted during the weight training then your body will rely on fat stores to get you through the cardio workout.

25. Set specific, measurable goals.

26. Start each day with a healthy breakfast. This important meal should be a balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat to get your metabolism going strong.

27. You deserve better...go get it.

After writing these tips, I realized how powerful and inspiring they are.
Print this list and place it somewhere that you'll see often – this will keep you
motivated and pumped up to accomplish your goals.
If your New Year's Resolution has to do with losing weight and getting into great shape (and whose isn't?) then guarantee your success by working with a fitness expert who can guide you to success.
Contact me and let's get started today. Together, we will transform your body in 2011!

Want to receive my LIVING FIT NEWSLETTER? It’s easy and FREE! And I promise, NO SPAM! Just send your request to: and the 1st and 15th of each month, you get even more tips and tricks to health, fitness, and wellness.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Instead of the 2011 Resolution - Set S.M.A.R.T. GOALS

When you want to make your dream or wish into reality, setting a goal to achieve it is the next step.

Fitness and weight loss goals are much easier accomplished when you can visibly see your wants and dreams.  Thats when writing your goals down use the S.M.A.R.T. formula to give you a clear picture of your direction.

What's S.M.A.R.T.?
S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that describes the various attributes a goal should have to ensure maximum success.
S – specific, significant, stretching
M – measurable, meaningful, motivational
A – attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented
R – realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented
T – time-based, timely, tangible, trackable

How Can I Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals For Fitness And Weight Loss?

Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle or just be fit, setting S.M.A.R.T. goals will give you an edge by keeping you focused and motivated through the journey. 

Set goals with clarity. You can't be general about it. If you say your goal is to lose weight and then you lose 10lbs., then that's what you write and establish as comparing to "I want to lose weight". 
Be clear, precise, and specific.

Set goals that can be quantified in measurable units such as pounds, body fat percent, lean body mass, inches and clothing sizes. Performance goals can include strength and rep's  completed. Other health goals can also include blood pressure and blood panels (HDL/LDL).

Creating reasonable and attainable goals for yourself will keep you motivated each step of the way.  I'm not saying don't challenge yourself, but give yourself some smaller goals or baby steps towards the big one.  You'll be inspired by each succession you make.  If you're wanting to lose 30 lbs., make your smaller goals weekly such as 1-2 lbs. to shoot for.  This will boost your motivation for the next step!
This is a little different from setting attainable goals.If you lose two pounds of fat per week, you are doing awesome. 30 pounds in 30 days sounds great in the advertisements, but it's NOT typical! Rapid weight loss is likely to consist of muscle and water, not fat, and is nearly impossible to maintain.

Set goals with deadlines! Time limits are highly motivating. Without time limits, there's no urgency  Set goals for your daily workouts, such as appointments.  Make yourself your own client!  Set that business appointment for your morning run or lunchtime circuit.  Do it.  YOU ARE the most important client you have!  Set long term goals as well for 12 week, one year, and even five year timelines. Just make sure they're realistic.

JournalWeb   Another time worthy note is review.  Take a moment and don't be afraid to review what happening with your progress.  That's weekly, monthly, semiannually - you got it...

Finally, attach your emotion to your success.  Whether it's a passion or even FEAR, use it.  Bring that emotion up and feel it daily as a fuel or catalyst to keep your drive! 

Just foot in front of the'll be there before you know it!